"Fun list. Other might include: Nuts Bananas Layer Cake The Fortune Cookie The Apple Dumpling Gang The Gingerbread Man Grapes of Wrath James & The Giant Peach And if condiments count, Salt"

""Men like these" have only existed eitther in literature or nowadays, in the movies. That's why you can't find 'em in the real world. "

"Meryl Streep was also amazing in Julie & Julia."

"Fun list! In Arnold Schwarzenegger's Eraser, the scene where Vanessa William goes to see her boss, she wears a broche with an FBI tap on it that keeps switching sides on her jacket as she goes from"

"I also liked Leah Remini's appearance on the show."

"I never saw Michael, but judging from that video clip, it definitely would've been a good choice."

"Yank My Doodle, It's A Dandy Men In Black Men Oh, She's Eleven"

"Thanx for the comments. Yeah, it took about a year to put this list together. Like the majority of my lists, I do them all piece-meal during my spare time. All of my lists take several months to finis"

"I have Hoffa as a guilty pleasure, b'cuz, even though there are some who don't really have a problem, over-all, the general belief is that it's a film that's not very good, & Jack's performance is u"

"Hey, thanx, spiegalr. Since I'm always on the look out for animation a bit more edgier than the standard family-fare, I'll definitely check those out."

"Great list. Some I didn't know that they were a part of a trilogy (or least I didn't know that they had continued into more stories). Thanx. Two other trilogoes that I like are the Vengeance Trilogy "

"Hey, I'm glad I checked out your list. It reminded me that I really want to watch Ichi The Killer & Devil's Backbone. Both have been my must-see list for a long time."