The Mighty Celestial added 35 items to 35 From 4: My Favorite Films From 2004 list
7 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial posted a list

7 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 5 items to My Top 30 Halloween Favorites: Zombies list
7 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 5 items to My Top 35 Halloween Favorites: Demons & Devils list
7 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to Year By Year Of My Favorite Flix list
Well, the millenium's answer to the 1997 sci-fi thinker Contact, has made it's arrival. And just like the Jodie Foster movie, this one deals with a more "realistic" approach to Earth's first contact with extraterrestrials, encompassing the struggle between peaceful approaches of communication and the "better safe than sorry" attitude from the more militarily minded. Also sharing the same theme as Contact is the endeavor to decipher the penmanship of the visitors.
However, The Arrival still has enough within it's concept to give it it's own signature and allow the film to stand alone in the "we come in peace" sub-genre of science fiction. A "big" movie with a "small" cast, led by a strong performance by Amy Adams as an expert linguist and mourning mother whose combination of expertise and grief-stricken memories is the only link to a meaningful discussion between the entire planet and its interstellar guests.

7 years, 9 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 25 From 82: My Favorite Films Of 1982 list
After spending 33 in prison for robbing stagecoaches, Bill Miner enters the 20th century with the old habit of stealing for a living dying harder, despite being an outdated means of income.
With The Grey Fox, the western film genre enters into the modern age of film, as the straightforward white hats vs black hats storylines are completely out of the picture and are replaced by more layered characters who disspell the traditional boundaries of what makes a cowboy a good guy or a bad guy.
Fronted with an enthusiastic portrayal by Richard Farnsworth as a dusty "gentleman thief", this is a movie that finally edges the genre of the Ol' West shoot 'em ups over the line to the modern mode of bronco busting banditry.

7 years, 10 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 100 & 99 Of My Favorite Films From The 1970's list
While I usually try to keep only films that were released in movie theaters on these lists 'o' mine, every once in a while I come across a piece of TV cinema that's so good, that for me, it's quality ranks up there with the best of theatrical releases.
Duel is a good example of this type of smallscreen cinematic excellence. Not surprising, considering that it is Steven Spielberg's major film debut (well, at least from my memory it is). And with just the use a big ol' rusted semi-truck, a lone driving Dennis Weaver and a desolate desert road, the Spielmeister is able to demonstrate why he will eventually become a king of energetic, exciting blockbuster-fare.

7 years, 11 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to My Top 80 Favorite Romantic Comedies list
8 years, 3 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to Year By Year Of My Favorite Flix list
After evading a trap that was set up during a safe house raid, a young FBI agent, Kate Macer, is given the chance for some payback by being assigned to a larger task of bringing down the leader of a powerful Mexican drug cartel. Joining a team of CIA agents in charge of the operation, Macer faces the truth of such big time assignments and the dirty little secrets involved, not to mention the dangerous risks.
Sicario is the kind of story that Hollywood usually enjoys manipulating into a more over-the-top kind of action flick. But, in the hands of a film festival favorite director like Denis Villenueve (also responsible for other movies like Prisoners and Arrival), it becomes more of an earthier, intrinsic crime thriller, with the kind of drama that takes the problem of drug trafficking along the border and hits it closer to home. Literally and figuratively.

8 years, 3 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 51 items to 300 & 99 From The 1st Decade Of The New Millennium list
8 years, 3 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 100 Straight From The Heart: My Fave Romance Flix list
8 years, 3 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to My Top 35 Halloween Favorites: Demons & Devils list
I once bought a oiuja board at a garage sale.
After I brought it home, I decided to try it out to since if it really worked, especially considering that I was never one to believe in the supernatural. I started out by asking "Are there any spirits there?" That thingamajig that slides across the board slid over the the "Yes" answer. Since I wasn't really expecting any kind of a response, I was taken somewhat aback, and asked it the first question that popped into my head. "Uhhh..." I mumbled "...just exactly how do you spell 'Ouija'?" (the board I purchased was homemade and therefore didn't have the word "Ouija" on it, like the ones that you can buy from Milton Bradley).
The "spirit" replied with the letters "W" "T" "F".
Guess beings from the other side aren't very good spellers.

8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to My Top 15 Halloween Favorites: Slashers list
The masked slasher genre hits a high note with this silent themed out in the middle of the woods scare fare in which a deaf woman finds herself all alone, isolated far away from the rest of the world, and stalked by a killer who doesn't care if his victim can hear him coming or not. He's still gonna slash yo deaf ass, even if you don't have the ability to hear yourself scream.
When I mentioned of how the overall writing quality of horror themed cinema is improving, moving the genre further away from the shlock and camp infested reputation that it accumulated during the 60's and 70s, Hush is a good example of this.
One film after another of simply stacking up one body count after another, the slasher flick was developing itself as a subgenre that was all blood, but with no heart. However, with the advent of movies like this one, we are now seeing that sometimes, the entertainment value of watching masked knife wielding maniacs go on a spree can come from fearing for the life of their intended victims rather than just seeing how much blood they can spill.

8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 5 items to Animate This! My Favorite 2-D Animated Movies list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to My Top 275 Favorite Horror Movies of All Time list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added Magnolia (1999) to have watched list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 150 From Around The World: My Fave Foreign Films list
A porn flick that has to be seen to be believed. This is one of those rare cases where the term "legend" is not used loosely. And neither is the word "fist".
Oh wait....
I think I might be getting this mixed up with another movie......

8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to My Top 15 Halloween Favorites: Slashers list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 300 & 99 From The 1st Decade Of The New Millennium list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 2 items to 300 & 99 From The 1st Decade Of The New Millennium list
8 years, 4 months ago
The Mighty Celestial added 1 item to 150 From Around The World: My Fave Foreign Films list
A high school teenager finds himself to be invisible to all the other kids in school. And not just cuz of his lack of personality.
The boy's a ghost. And thus begins a tale of redemption from beyond the "other side".
The Invisible (or Den Osynlige, in it's original Swedish title) is yet another fine example of a "foreign" film that got went largely ignored here in the United States because Hollywood decided to produce an inferior remake instead. And of course, in this remake (also called The Invisible, BTW), they eliminated most of the distinctive elements of the original and replaced it with the standard tricks that are supposed to help make the movie a success at the box office.
Which it wasn't.
Gotta love those formula flicks, huh?

8 years, 4 months ago